Sunday, September 30, 2007

International Visitors

It's fun to see the visitors to this sight from other countries. I see today that we are up to 29 countries. I would love for you to leave a comment and tell me who you are. I see someone from Panama--we lived there for 6 years. Also from Bolivia--we lived there for 3 years. I know that the main "visitor" from Argentina is my daughter Lancy, who lives there, and I am the main one from Mexico. My son and daughter-in-law visited her folks in the Philippines, so that was them.

Now, I would love to know who the rest of you are........


Chelley said...

I have been following your story since I found your blog in Aug!

I am so wishing you the safest travel and that your time of meeting peacefully....

Chelley said...

hehe forgot to say I am from Outback Australia!

Anonymous said...

Hi Starla, I found your blog only recently, which was so great! But I had problem entering it at first, I then checked and knew that Blogspot is blocked in China, again, at least in my area. When the problem is known, there is always a way to solve it. So I’ve been reading your blog since then, bit by bit, getting all the things that I have missed, catching up :) So I’m (one of) the visitor from China. I had great times meeting you here in Guangzhou.
Please keep posting

Late comment