We just returned from dinner with our friend, Ping. Richard met Ping online before we came for LiAnne, and we then were able to meet him here in Guangzhou. This is the third time now that we have been able to visit with him, and we chat with him online throughout the year. He invited us to dinner tonight, and then to his home, where he lives with his aunt.
Ping is an only child, but he would have made a good big brother. He talked with MinMin quite a bit, asking her why she looked so glum. At one point she took the album of pictures of the family that I brought along, and went through it with him, showing him each family member. She was surprised that he already knew everyone by name. He also explained to her that our meeting tomorrow is a special one, and that we will all dress nicely for it. She seemed to agree with him that that was ok, so hopefully tomorrow we will have a picture or two of her in pretty clothes. He also talked to her about our upcoming trip to Beijing, and found that she is excited about going there.
We had some attitude problems today....something that we will have to start working on. Of course, MinMin doesn't really know how to live in a family, and has no idea about having to respect ones parents. I guess I'm used to being able to tell my kids what I need them to do, and knowing that they will obey. With MinMin, I can ask her to do something, and if she doesn't want to she just waves me off and shakes her head. Sometime soon she is going to have to learn that a mom has to be listened to. It's so hard to just be patient and to remember what she has gone through this week, and give her some slack. Hard to know how much to give and where to draw the line so that she doesn't think that she is always going to get her way. Tonight when we went out Richard reminded her to put her glasses on. Afterall, we didn't get them for me to carry around in the backpack. She said no, he said yes. She put them on until we were in the taxi, then took them off. I asked her to put them back on, she said no. When we got out of the taxi she dropped them in the street, because they were in her lap, not on her face. So, back in the backpack they went for now, but I think that she will have to cooperate by wearing them before she gets the electronic translator back.
MinMin's orphanage is know to be a cold, unfriendly place. When I think about this, and all of the years that she spent there, I can be patient, and be willing to wait a while for her to take in all of the changes that she is experiencing. Actually, we are pretty amazed at how well she is doing.
I've been following and praying for you and your family. Your comment about MinMin's orphanage being known for it's cold and unfriendly atmosphere speaks volumes into your daughter's heart. I'm sure she is still trying to figure this thing called "love" out. She probably has questions like, "Why are they so nice to me?" "Why do they care what I wear?" and probably just simply, "Why?" Don't we all ask that about our relationship with the LORD? "Why does HE love me?" "Why would HE send Jesus to die for me?" "Why me?" We live in a cold, unfriendly world that is self-centered and yet there's a God who loves us and answers that hard question of "Why?" Just like you can answer MinMin..."Because I love YOU!"
Keep your chin up my dear sister! You are doing great things that can not be measured right now by the time frame of a calendar!
Blessings, Stefi
I have been following your journey and praying for you. I know it must be emotionally draining for you right now, but she will learn to love you. Hang in there!
we continue to follow your journey here in the Uk, especially as friends have Children from Minmin SWI.
We love you guys already and we are praying for you
ps we can already see trust in her eyes....keep loving
Starla, I think you are doing a great job of loving MinMin and setting limits that she can learn to live with. You are so good to measure her life to date to decide when and how to do things. I know it can't be easy. Loving you and praying for you.
Oh, I am so happy for the progress you are making with Janelle's adjusting! I enjoy following
her journey from the WC status where we were trying to find her a family until the jouney thus far.
I pray for your family, not only now, but in the days ahead!
Love to all....Wilma
Your thoughts are inspiring and encouaraging. Thank you for sharing so much!
It will be the LORD's love that will break through her shell, so trust him to do the work. You are obviously one of his tools he is using, and he will bring it to completion.
Remember always, that she is secure in the palms of HIS hands...
Starla We are thinkning of you and yours and keeping you in our prayers.
Jen Shields
Waiting for more pics - hope all is going well for you and your beautiful daughter.
Hey Woman - Where are you? We're dying here waiting for an update on the swearing in and Beijing. Love you!
Starla, I can't get my mind off your blog these days.
My aunt says you guys look like very nice people. she is doing good and has just had a new grand-daughter-in-law.
I am getting to know more and more about MinMin and your journey each day. I knew from day one that MinMin would love you more than anything, coz you'r such a wonderful mom.
It was great that I could talk to Rick and MinMin on phone around New Years day, you all sounded good.
I'll keep reading
Love and miss you all
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